【新闻简讯】公开观摩迎成长 细致研讨促发展
来源:本站 点击数:7876次 更新时间:2018-2-2 10:22:14


Morning activities


Morning excercise




Theme activities


 Playing some games in front of the observers

Idea exchange

Public Observation Activities

Canadian bilingual kindergarten- Sunny (CKE-SN)

On December 5th of 2017, the Canadian bilingual kindergarten- Sunny (CKE-SN) hosted a teachers’ observation and training exercise for kindergartens in Chebei and CIEO, with more than 80 kindergarten teachers from 20 schools visiting to observe and learn on that day.
During the observation period, the teachers first watched the early morning cycle of physical activity. CKE-SN carried out a morning exercise activity, making full use of their playground space to run a fun and interactive activity.
Then, the observers got to watch the students take part in some games that have been designed both to help them exercise, as well as to get them thinking creatively.  These games are divided up throughout the playground area, and students can choose which games they wish to take part in. 
The visiting teachers were also able to step into the classrooms, to experience how a CIEO classroom environment functions, and to really get a chance to take in our “theme-based” environment.
The principal of Sunny Canadian Bilingual kindergarten introduced and explained in detail many of the different games and activities that the children were seen to be participating in, and helped expound upon why these activities were beneficial towards their development.

After the observation period ended, teachers had a chance to sit down and discuss what they had seen throughout the day.  They then took their thoughts and observations, and presented them, helping to bring some more insight into the daily routines of the kindergarten, as well as helping to plan for more fun activities in the future.

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