【新闻简讯】“放手”家委会 提质增能促成长
来源:本站 点击数:9272次 更新时间:2018-2-5 9:16:13



  10月19日上午,佛山市禅城区卡尔加里幼儿园召开了新一届家长委员会,幼儿园行政管理人员与31名来自各个班级的家委会代表在会议室欢聚一堂。会上邱园长肯定了上一届家委会的工作,解读了家委会章程,介绍了幼儿园新学年的课程安排和管理思路,强调家长是幼儿园的重要合作伙伴。在新一届家长委员会会议上,新家委会成员互相做了自我介绍,并选举了新一届家委会的主任和副主任,同时还任命了家委会膳食组、宣传组、义工组和文体组四大部门的组长和组员。邱园长为家委会成员颁发了聘书并合影留念。会后,家委会膳食组成员在园长带领下参观了饭堂,大家纷纷表示满意,不愧是获得过“A级厨房”、“阳光厨房”、“示范食堂” 等荣誉称号的佼佼者!



Parents’ Management and Promotion

Canadian International Kindergartens

On 13rd of October,at 3pm,the Canadian International Kindergarten-Agile(CKE-AG) held its first meeting of its Parents’ Association.  At the start of the meeting, Principal Coco welcomed all the new members of the CKE-AG Parents’ Association and introduced the kindergarten staff, as well an the activity plan for the new semester. Logistics Manager Wendy introduced a children’s fitness plan, and spoke on kindergarten safety and security. The most amazing part of this meeting was getting to know each other and the Committee Election. The parents introduced each other and shared their own childcare experiences. 

On the morning of October 19th, the Canadian Kindergarten–Calgary (CKE-CY)  held a new Parent Committee meeting.  31 members of our Parent Committee were in attendance, representing each class, as well as the administrators. At the meeting, Joan praised the achievements the previous Parent Committee had made, explained the rules of the Parent Committee in detail, and introduced the semester plan of the new school year along with relevant management strategies. She also spoke on how parents are the most important partner to the school. Then she officially opened the new Parent Committee. Previous and new members introduced themselves to each other. A leader and vice-leader were elected for the committee, members were divided into four groups, which were the Food Caring Department, the Publicity Department, the Volunteer Department and the Culture and Sport Department. Joan presented employment certificates to each member, and everyone took part in a group photo. Later on, Joan showed all members to our kitchen with the leader of the Food Caring Department. Parents all felt satisfied that the kitchen was an “A-Level” kitchen.

On the morning of November 8th, the Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten-Asian Games Town(CKE-AT) held a "parents committee" meeting with 15 enthusiastic parents.
During the meeting, the director introduced kindergarten funding arrangements, health care plans, regional activities, and instruction on the implementation of parental involvement during school activities. After the meeting, the family members visited the canteen, learning about the details of the kindergarten’s food management system, and personally tasting and commenting on some of the food that the children eat.
It helped to close the distance between the parents and the kindergarten, giving parents an opportunity to understand the inside and out of the kindergarten environment. Furthermore, it has laid a solid foundation through which the parents school can communicate in the future.

In order for parents to take early care of their emotional needs and guide their children's emotional development, the Canadian kindergarten -Coral Bay Crescent(CKE-CB) invited the director of Modern Parenting Miss Huang to hold a lecture with the theme “How to cultivate children's self-control and emotional management” on November 28, 2017 .At the beginning of the lecture, Director Huang  played some games and introduced a real-life case study on her topic. She also helped parents to learn how to observe and determine a child's moods and interests, which can vastly improve a child’s at-home experience.

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