【新闻简讯】研而后教 提升教育科研水平|广州市番禺区加拿达外国语学校
来源: 点击数:8812次 更新时间:2017-8-10 11:04:10

讲管理  说艺术








    从心理学角度,他还剖析了孩子行为背后潜意识的巨大影响,并给出了问题行为的解决意见。“每一个孩子都需要欣赏和关注,无论家长还是老师都要从潜意识里让孩子觉得‘ 我很棒,我很优秀 ’ 。那么接下来的岁月,孩子就会朝这个方向去印证,我们的判断是对的。”





做课研  促成长















Teaching Research and Training|Canadian Foreign Language School-Agile(CLS- A)


The art of managing students


On April 5th Canadian Foreign Language School – Agile (CLS-A) invited Mr. Li to give us a lecture about teachers’ and managements’ professional qualities. Mr. Li is quite humorous; through simple and clear language, we were able to grasp the key concepts of his lecture; teacher's professional positioning and student behavior management.

For the professional orientation of teachers, Mr. Li put forward the concept of seven stages:  Slave - who is forced to work, Apprentice - who learns from others,Staff - who can work independently, Craftsman - who can master skills, Master - who can teach others, Expert - who is professional and finally Sage - who is immortal.Attitude determines altitude, and your identity will determine your attitude.


Mr. Li also emphasized the importance of the subconscious. Each child needs to be appreciated and supported. We should make them realize they are excellent and then they will follow this path to prove that our judgment is correct.

Principal of CLS-A praised Mr. Li's lecture. "It is true that defining our professional orientation will provide a clear direction for our work and provide a constant source of motivation."

As Principal of CLS-A said, Mr. Li is like a bright light, he illuminates our path.


Improving Through Research


In order to improve teachers’ research ability and teaching skills, and to promote their ability for writing reports on scientific research projects in education,CLS-A invited Professor Jiang from the Panyu Educational Institute to give a lecture on how to conduct educational research.

The lecture was focused on how to do educational research and the structure of educational systems. During the lecture, Professor Jiang emphasized that all research should start with a concept, then, providing the named pattern of the subject in a concrete example.  The mind map teaching characteristic for CLS-A can be carried out in this way. He answered our questions patiently during the process and encouraged us to combine educational research with teaching from small research, in order to improve our knowledge and our teaching skills.

Professor Jiang is an experienced researcher; the lecture was easily understandable thanks to his practical and interesting examples.

In recent years, CLS-A has paid more and more attention to teachers' special training lectures and research topics. These activities not only aim to strengthen teachers' professional quality and improve teachers' teaching ability but also to promote sustainable development in education and teachers' professional maturity,pushing educational scientific research level to a higher level.



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