【新闻简讯】精彩纷呈 校园开放日
来源:本站 点击数:6907次 更新时间:2017-8-22 9:56:39








    加拿大课程是学校的特色课程,剑桥郡加拿达外国语学校是一所真正的双语学校。每天, 学生都要接受4个小时以上的全英文教学。在加拿大课程展示区域,学生们手脑并用,全面展示所学的知识。





Open Day On Campus

Canadian Foreign Language School - Cambridgeshire (CLS-C)
and Canadian Bilingual Kindergarten - Asian Games Town (CKE-AT)


CLS-C as a bilingual school, its philosophy brings each activity a unique style of cultural background. On May 9th students were confident to introduce their learning and individual achievements to their parents for open day.


Our two students introduced parents to buoyancy of objects in water and observed a scale to see the volume of objects measured in different ways and test the buoyancy of each object.


Students also read aloud and made sentences with words which teachers had prepared in a basket.  In the classroom, students were excited to read the text to their parents and report on their achievements in learning Chinese.


Canadian courses are a school-based curriculum. Since CLS-C is bilingual our students are immersed in full English for more than 4 hours each day. For the exhibition section in Canadian courses, our students learn with a comprehensive display of creativity and in an interesting way.


For open day, each classroom created a variety of Chinese, English, mathematics, science and other displays for children to take their parents and enjoy the show.


The expression of children fluent in a new language offering personal views full of logical thinking and rich, vivid body language fully demonstrates the multiple intelligences school teaching achieves, and the developments of individual

potential and cultivation.


We welcome everyone to our school on open day, our children are ready to use their own methods to participate in social exchange, with their unique language and manners to tell you about a different general foreign language school.












CKE-AG held open day activities to help parents understand more about kindergarten life and to strengthen the relationship between families and schools. The kindergarten carried out area activities, morning excise shows,special-event shows,parent-child activities and other forms of interaction, showing the children’s daily life at kindergarten to the parents.


All the children were serious and active about participating in these activities from the uniform morning exercises, rich and colorful in characteristic, to an endless enjoyment in the parent-child games, all of us were delighted about these activities and never grew tired of them. After participating in this activity, parents highly praised the teaching modes and the teacher's level at the kindergarten.



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