【新闻简讯】家园共育 静听花开|东莞市南城加美幼儿园
来源:本站 点击数:7287次 更新时间:2017-8-22 9:43:03



家长助教欢  家园共育欣
















 Assistance of Parents in Teaching

Canadian International Kindergarten – CanAm (CKE-CA)


Parents’ Help for Co-operation 

We are always eager to share kindergarten life with parents and encourage their participation.  To that end, Canadian International Kindergarten –CanAm (CKE-CA) recently held a parent-teacher activity with parent volunteers signing up to share any special skills they have.  Parents as guest teachers provide exciting interaction for students as kids really enjoy these types of activities.

Our CKE-CA teachers sent notice to parents in advance, to ask about parents’ skills and many parents responded, eager to join. Parents came to teach cooking, English, guitar and art and a fun-filled, joyful day was had by all.

Allowing parents to lead and working together to teach helps us all through not only channeling parent abilities and skills but also through bringing the CIEO family closer together.  This type of cohesion has a positive impact on the physical and emotional development of students.  CIEO wants to thank all of our parent volunteers for their valued time and efforts.


Stories For Growth

During April and May, Canadian International Kindergarten – CanAm (CKE-CA) held activities entitled Story Mom as part of an ongoing series of activities under the themes of ‘elegance in the kindergarten’ and ‘reading for growth’. Stimulating kids’ interest in reading through stories they love aids students’ growth and inviting moms to share strengthens family bonds.  Several mothers from all classes were gracious enough to attend and participate.

Story Moms chose their material carefully and supplemented the experience by preparing slide shows and other props in addition to music and performance elements.  Their dedication touched us all and we’re so thankful for the rich experience they have offered to our students. 

This activity for CKE-CA’s Reading Month is part of a series of planned activities which encourages parent-child reading in addition to being a convenient place for parents to learn more about our other Reading Month activities.  This event, and the efforts of our Story Moms has gone a long way towards developing life-long lovers of reading.






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