【新闻简讯】体验亲子游 快乐伴成长
来源:本站 点击数:6708次 更新时间:2017-8-23 9:48:27











Parent-Child Trip


On April 8th, Canadian Bilingual Gemdale Kindergarten (CKE-Z) held a spring parent-student trip to enjoy spring scenery and have a close encounter with nature. Parents and children took a photo at the Longshan  Mountain scenic spot before

playing games together including races and balloons. The joy of children's laughter was in the air.


After sharing a picnic at the lavender flower sea, the children, under the guidance of the teacher, chose good places to dig in their spades andplant saplings. Parents guided the planting and shared their tips.


On Mother's day, parents and students at Canadian Intrnational Kindergarten –Mayland (CKE-ML) enjoyed a fantastic open day outdoor activity at beautiful Fenghua Park. They played in the park digging in the ground, growing vegetables, finding eggs, and having a picnic in sharing a happy, family time. This is the first time, for children to try to lead their mothers to explore nature. This was a rich, meaningful and happy parenting journey.




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