【新闻简讯】玩转复活节 缤纷乐翻天
来源:本站 点击数:7779次 更新时间:2017-8-25 8:50:33






   4月14日,为了让学生更好的感受西方复活节文化,了解有趣的外国节日风俗,大胆开口说英语,广州番禺区加拿达外国语学校提前庆祝复活节。“丰富的礼物准备好了,你们的篮子和兔耳朵准备好了吗?” 老师们在门口分发礼物时说到。学生们接过礼物,井然有序地排队闯关,用英语赢得各类奖品。孩子们颇具魅力的表现,使得全园乐也融融!


   4月16 日,广州市天河区加拿达少儿英文培训中心-淘金分校举办复活节节日狂欢活动。中外教老师带领每个班级学习与复活节有关的单词、故事和歌曲,展开复活节户外活动——“鹭湖公园找彩蛋”。老师把装有礼品的彩蛋隐藏在公园的草丛、树枝间。打开彩蛋的那一刻,孩子们高兴不已。(完)



Easter Day Celebration


Easter is a holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is celebrated between March 22 and April 25. CIEO locations held a series of celebrations to supplement our teaching with international traditions.

The rabbit is a very lively and docile animal symbolizing the rebirth of spring and the birth of new life.  What happens when the bunny meets Easter?  You get the Easter Bunny, who was a major theme of the activity held at Canadian International Kindergarten - Mayland (CKE-M). Children had freedom to roam, playing games seriously to challenge themselves and explore through effort and the willing to imagine and create.

On April 14, Canadian Foreign Language School -Agile (CLS-A) celebrated Easter early in order to let the student experience Easter traditions, learning about this interesting foreign festival, while practicing English.  "Gifts are ready. Are your baskets and ears ready?" teachers asked as they were handing out presents at the door. Students collected gifts before lining up in an orderly manner and prizes were awarded in English.

On April 16, Canadian International Kids’ English School - Taojin celebrated an Easter Carnival. Chinese and foreign teachers guided each class to learn words, stories and songs associated with Easter, and set up an Easter outdoor activity in the form of an an Easter egg hunt in Luhu Park. Teachers hid eggs in the bushes and branches in the park which students then had to find.


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