筑牢校园食品“防护网” 守护孩子舌尖上的安全
来源:本站 点击数:16900次 更新时间:2019-3-22 10:17:50


Recently, children's food safety issues have once again touched the heart of millions of parents. After recent incidents, Canadian International Education Organization (CIEO) immediately issued a notice taking action through the Logistics Departments for each location to retrain staff to make sure students’ daily food supply and preparation process are absolutely safe.


CIEO, in fact, since its establishment, has maintained high quality strictly food safety measures for children's meals.  It’s our mission to build shining kitchen through inviting distinguished experts to develop healthy recipes, study proper food sourcing, improve processing, and work on other aspects of kitchen management.  All of these measures serve to ensure that CIEO children enjoy safe and enjoying high quality life services on all CIEO campuses.


Regular training to improve quality.


Checking ingredients for safety.


Hygienic food preparation.


Healthy, regular utensil disinfection.


Food samples are strictly monitored and stored.


There are many questions parents frequently ask and in order to let you know more about our kindergarten meals, today we go into a CIEO Kindergarten's canteen.


CIEO kindergartens use the Five Permanent Management Act to ensure children’s food safety. The Five Permanent Management Act originated in Japan and is a high-quality management concept, but also a long-term plan for high-quality food safety management which can be maintained with wonderful results. 'Wuchang' are usually organized, often rectified, often cleaned, regular and self-disciplined. Over ten CIEO schools’ canteen have been awarded a classification of level A .


Proper safety management adheres to the following Guidelines:


The kitchen has a full-time food safety administrator who holds a  food safety management certificate and dietitian card.


Strict access to goods: food quality is open and transparent, with acceptance records and complete proof of the quality of the goods.


Strict food distribution everyday ; Special personnel are in charge of the non-staple food warehouse, all food is stored a minimum of 30cm away from the ground, and the food label has a valid date; No overnight meat storage to ensure freshness; The principal of the kindergarten/schools is the first responsible person for food safety. Vegetable pesticide residue detection every day with a  quality inspection to show they are safe to use.


All canteen staff need to possess a health certificate updated every year. Every day children need to do a morning health check, if there are health issues spotted there will be no entrance to the canteen, this is coupled with our morning health check records.


We use standardized daily operations and stric food control safety .


Food samples are taken everyday with random monthly testing to ensure food safety.


Close attention is given to the inspections, feedback given quickly for any problems and regular food safety training is mandatory and verified.


Quality detailed observations


Do a thorough job of visual management, item positioning, quantitative control, clear identification, everything is familiar and well known.


Tools are neat, clean and sterilized.


There are clear responsibilities and a system inplace.


Strict requirements for food storage, warehouse management is often standardized.


A second room for dressing and preparing.


with a nutritional diet being its main focus


According to the strict frame structure, the diets of young children is made according to a balance of weekly meat, poultry, veg, seafood, pasta and eggs. There are six categories: animal protein, vegetable protein, dark and light vegetables, rice and noodles. Weekly Chinese and Western snacks are homemade. Alternate meals for children with various food allergies, and for children with special requirements.


Safety is no small matter, the responsibility can be heavier than a mountain! We put the "Wu chang",system, as the top for the children's food safety to build a safe line of defense, guarding the children from the inside out.

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上一篇:让孩子的故事更精彩,CIEO校园开放日等你来! 下一篇:争当“四有”好教师,做有温度的CIEO教育人
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