CIEO 女孩月:一心一“益”致青春
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CIEO 女孩月







In the spring of 2019, while the senior class of Canadian International School (CIS) is busy with college entrance examinations, Valen is actively preparing for the realization of her long-held dream.


Valen has always loved the elderly and children with her whole heart and wants to bring them warmth and hope. She says, “I wish I could stop time, right at this moment and record the children's sweetest smiles and every other unforgettable moment, because loving and be loved is the most beautiful thing in the world.”

生活中的Valen,勤奋专注、投入学习、热心公益、全情志愿。她酷爱运动,醉心挑战。今天,让我们一起走近拥有多面人生,始终以热情和温暖待人的女主人公潘咏仪 Valen吧。

In daily life, Valen is diligent and dedicated to learning, enthusiastic about public welfare and full of passion. She loves sports and challenges. Today, we're talking about Valen, the heroine who has many sides to her life and always treats people with passion and warmth.





Valen –  CIS Senior - admitted to the University of Sydney
Member of university student union; passionate about public welfare activities
Loves swimming and violin; an independent thinking girl, skilled in learning; has part time jobs during her spare time



Beautiful in appearance, with brilliant talents, she is a confident, enthusiastic and warm girl who always participates eagerly in every volunteer activity eliciting lovely smiles from children.   



On warm afternoons, Valen greets everyone with kindness and sincerity, sharing a bright smiling face and warmth which leaves people unable to help but be drawn to her, to listen and understand her. She exchanges her absolute focus and investment for excellent academic performances and a versatile understanding of her studies.  She is interested in the betterment of society and devotes herself to volunteer service, using her honest nature to help others.  She is possessed of the simplest and purest personal reflection.

村上春树说:“你要记得那些黑暗中默默抱紧你的人,逗你笑的人,陪你彻夜聊天的人,坐车来看望你的人,陪你哭过的人,在医院陪你的人,总是以你为重的人,带着你四处游荡的人,说想念你的人。是这些人组成你生命中一点一滴的温暖 ,是这些温暖使你远离阴霾, 是这些温暖使你成为善良的人。”

Haruki Murakami said, "You must remember those who are silently holding you in the dark, people who make you laugh, people who chat with you all night, people who came to see you by car, people who cry with you, accompany you in the hospital. People who always value you, take you around, and say they miss you. These people make up the warmth of your life, it is this warmth that keeps you away from the haze, this is warmth that makes you a kind person."


Many people consider children and the elderly to be the loveliest people in society. In long stretches of sharing her time, Valen can see the true essence and authentic loneliness in the aged.  Whenever together with older people, Valen thinks of her childhood stories.


“Staying with children can save your soul,” Dostoyevsky tells us. When spending time with children, Valen feels their innocence. Even when they are fighting, in fact, they are not making trouble but hoping that teachers and parents will guide them in the right way.


"They seem to know nothing, but mostly it’s the surprises that children bring me whenever I am unhappy, feeling stress and feel put upon. I used to think that maybe their naughtiness and constantly disobedient behaviour was bad for me.  In fact this has enriched my life,” says Valen.


The greatest feeling from doing public welfare is to understand the essence of Education is Love - to make children happy. 


“I will always bear in mind that CIEO education’s purpose is love. While enriching myself with love, I will also warm everyone around me with love.”


ON March 16th,CIS Open Day welcomes your coming.


The Canadian International School (CIS) offers an Early Childhood to Grade 12 education based on the Alberta, Canada curriculum. CIS is the first school that has been accredited by Alberta Education from K-12 in China.





Open Day: 9:30-12:30 March 16,2019

Location: Guangzhou Canadian International School

Tel: 020-39939920

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